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  1. K

    Storing 21ft Yamaha Jet Boat (SX210, AR210, etc) into a 7ft garage opening

    Hi All, wanted to start this thread as I see some people storing the 21ft boats outside by paying so this information may help them. If you have 21+ ft boats, please provide your inputs and hacks as it may help others. Thank you very much. - See the below link for description and pictures of...
  2. VictorNaples

    SX190 2019 - Pricing

    Hello, New to the forum looking to pull the trigger on the new sx190. Have questions about thr pricing out of the door and need to find out if the boat and trailer will fit my garage. I have two door garage 19”3’ depth. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks, Victor
  3. G

    Will SX190 Fit in my Garage??

    Hey Guys, Just bought a 2012 SX190 end of last year and will be picking it up from storage next weekend. I've read what seems to be every posting about yamaha boats and fitting into garages but they all seem to be about the AR's with towers. So my question is would a stock SX190 fit in my...
  4. xedelatorre

    ar192 in 20ft deep garage?

    Has anybody stored an ar192 in a 20ft deep garage? If so, would greatly appreciate some tips :)
  5. Brian Filas

    Garaging the FSH

    One of the primary reasons I purchased the 190 FSH was the ability to garage it. It makes life so much easier, and cheaper, to just grab it and go. With that said, I had a few sleepless nights, between buying the boat and delivery, worrying if she would fit. You can measure all you want, but...