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  1. B

    Help Me Identify Part I Found On My SX210

    I found this part on the swim deck after a day of boating on my 2017 Yamaha SX210. I have no idea how it got there or where it came from and I can't figure it out from a Google search of the image. I found it disassembled but it looks like everything goes together. Any help is appreciated!
  2. R

    Hello, Dutch guy needs help to identify boat!

    Hello, I am from the Netherlands, and have bought a jet boat. Which probably comes from Australia or New Sealand. There is no nameplate anywhere on the boat itself. No original engine present. Only a Hamilton 771 jet. Who can help me and knows what kind of boat this is? Thanks in advance!
  3. K

    Need help identifying our retro boat!

    Hi All! We recently purchased a property (built in '61) that came with a really intriguing older boat. I'm fascinated by its appearance and would like to kindly seek assistance identifying it. I searched for a HIN but could not locate one. If anyone out there is familiar with the style/type-...