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  1. D

    Boat 2007 Maxum 2600SE $29,999

    2007 Maxum 2600SE for sale. Located at Clemons Boats in Sandusky, Ohio for indoor heated winter storage. 2007 Maxum 2600 SE Cabin Cruiser. Extremely clean boat with under 500 hours on it. Meticulously cared for and stored at indoor, heated facility for winter. Professional maintenance with...
  2. LakesideLaw

    Lake Erie - Sandbars/Beaches/Restaurants

    So talking in another thread about LE destinations got me thinking we should share any and all spots we like to visit and tips/tricks/things to know. Boat beach access spots and/or sand bar hang outs, water restaurants with dockage, etc... I will start with a couple of my favorite spots: 1...
  3. David D

    SOLD OH 2014 Yamaha SX-192

    Sorry no pics yet (didn't get them before putting into storage) - just wanted to preview that my boat is for sale -- so if you're planning ahead for Spring, this is coming up. Love this boat, but life's circumstances call for me to let it go. My expectation is to sell in the Spring, but if...
  4. O

    Salt Fork Lake (Ohio)

    Thought I would start a Salt Fork Lake thread to see if any other avid boaters visit that lake. We got a jet boat last year (2016) and Salt Fork is our main lake. We usually go 5-6x a year. Spent Memorial Day weekend on the lake 3 out of 4 days. Weather was calling for questionable...