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  1. TreeRX

    Sucked up a stick and jammed impeller, first time pulling pump.

    Sucked up my very first stick while leaving my slip, in the marina (no wake speed). Sounded like a wood chipper, so I killed that engine. Went out on one engine, and was thankfully able to remove the stick from the clean out hole. The stick was about 3/8" diameter and 4 inches long. Started...
  2. D

    Metallic rattling from the prop after stick removal

    ‘21 212se I was idle fwd leaving a beach area, never got less than 4ft deep when I sucked up a stick. I didn’t realize it until I tried to bump the throttles up to 3000 and the boat started shaking, no thrust from the starboard side, etc. I didn’t have any tools with me to remove it and we...