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  1. J-RAD

    COASTER CLEARANCE - Transom Watersports

    Hello jetboaters! We were fortunate enough to have been offered a group of left over 2020 Slingshot Coaster wakesurf boards that were being clearanced from the Slingshot warehouse in the EU. We snatched them up! They're in our inventory now. They are listed on our site now. Clearance priced at...
  2. D

    SOLD Universal Wake Wedge & Transom Ballast Bag

    All sold. thanks!
  3. J-RAD

    NEW 2020 JetPilot Wakesurf Boards - Transom Watersports

    I started hearing whisperings in the fall from JetPilot of their NEW "Freeboard Division" coming soon. I told my wife, "it sounds like JetPilot might be coming out with a collection of wakesurf boards..." but they were very vague and silent about it for months. Even to me as a dealer. I have...
  4. J-RAD

    The Ropeless POWER of the Slingshot COASTER

    Since I started my watersports business this year I've had the opportunity to demo a lot of wakesurf boards behind my '16 AR240. My typical setup has been with the Gantlin Products Wake Wedge and their Custom Transom Ballast Bag. Which has been awesome! I've been able to go ropeless and play on...