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  1. jcyamahariders wife

    Wake Wedge & Fatsac Ballast 25ft Test Boat Needed

    Gantlin Products is looking for a couple of 25ft Yamaha boat owners located in Missouri that would like to test surf products. EDIT: Also looking for ballast only testing for 255XE or 255XD models. Will travel south if your boat is currently ready to water test. Looking for the following . ...
  2. Fieljl

    Gantlin wake wedge for sale $550

    For 21 foot starboard side Was on a Yamaha 212x Nice wake Just not using so finding a new home
  3. jcyamaharider

    Completed Wake Wedge group buy

    You guys asked for it so here it is. We are going to run this group buy for 1 month with orders being shipped out after it is completed so we can determine price. This sale is only good for JETBOATERS.NET members. We are going to break down the sale as follows: 1-8 units will be a 5% off 8-15...