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won't start

  1. JAlexMN

    AR210 won't start - Help!!

    I bought a 2008 AR210 just two weeks ago. I'm still learning about jet boats however I've had propped boats for years. I'm comfortable on the water but jet boats are a different animal aren't they? My first major mistake, it appears, is that I sucked a tow rope up last weekend. The boat floated...
  2. tayl428

    2004 SR230 engine won't start

    Hey everyone, long time lurker, first time poster (lol). I've owned this 2004 SR230 for 2 years now without any problems. Total run time is estimated around 120 hrs total. I went to take it out of the marina for the winter, and the starboard engine won't start. It last ran about 6 weeks ago. It...
  3. Akwoolf

    FSH 190 Won't Start - (Engine turns over)

    Edit: Issue Resolved. Read through the thread if you are running into a similar issue. Hey guys- 2016 FSH that turns over, but won't start... * Behavior seems to be the same as when the lanyard/cut-off is pulled. (It is in!) * Checked connections behind the console and everything looks...