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195 HO Anchor Locker Drainage Source of Water in Ski Locker?


Jet Boat Addict
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San Diego
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It seems that my ski locker always seems to have about a cup of water in it, while my bilge seems perfectly dry. I've wiped it up, stuck a shop vac hose in the ski locker drain, and even parked on a hill to get the water out. After a short drive on the trailer there's another 1/2 cup of water in the ski locker again. So I just spent the afternoon trying to figure out where everything on the 195 drains to. In the back, it all seems to flow down into the bilge. In the front however it's a bit more ambiguous. It looks like the compartments under the bow seats, and the drains from the cupholders in the bow, drain to the anchor locker. I had several inches of water in there that I had to vacuum out. What I couldn't figure out is where the anchor locker water is supposed to drain to. One would think that it would drain to the ski locker, and that would drain to the bilge, but there was no obvious path from the bow to the ski locker. Anyone know how this is supposed to work?
Same.. I think I read you need to put a rubber stopper in the locker drain...
The problem with the anchor locker drain on the 195 is that there doesn’t appear to be an anchor locker drain. Water accumulates there from washing or waves over the bow or from anchoring, and I believe sloshes around while I tow the boat. eventually making its way to the ski locker. If there was a drain at the bottom of the anchor locker there would be no accumulation in that pocket. I’m curious as to what scarabs design drainage was, and if anyone else has come up with a solotion. As it is, it makes it hard to pass a zebra mussel inspection.
I am curious how things are plumbed as well. a couple weeks back I wanted to hose down my bilge ( coolant overflowed a bit) and I also wanted to ensure my pump kicked on and it never did. reason it never kicked in is that the water never accumulated enough, it just flowed in to the ski locker. I really need to spend some time investigating......
The drain on the cups, anchor locker, and forward deck will flow into the ski locker sometimes. Especially if the boat's bow isnt elevated during storage or on the trailer. As long as the bilge is dry, ride on!
The problem is that there doesn't seem to be a natural drain at the bottom of the anchor locker, and there's a pretty deep pocket there. Drains from the cupholders, the forward deck, the anchor, and forward compartments end up in there until there's enough water to spill over to work it's way back to the ski locker or the bilge. Since there's no drain it has to be sponged out or shop-vac'd out. If not, it sloshes around when the boat is towed on the trailer and ends up in the ski locker and you fail a zebra mussel inspection and they don't let you on the lake. The new final step in washing the boat now is to get out the shop vac.

What I can't figure out is how water's supposed to get from the front of the boat back to the ski locker, or where it's supposed to go, as there's no apparent drain path. I stuck my head down into the locker and looked around. There appears to be a gasket between the top of the ski locker and the deck of the boat, although there's some gaps at the back of it. Aside from the drain at the back of the locker, there's no other drains into the locker. Next time I'll take some pictures. I also plan to use some water with different food coloring to test the different paths and see where it ends up. I emailed SCARAB to see what they planned as the drain path, but no answer back yet. I'm concerned that there may be other pockets where water could accumulate that's inaccessible.