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2012 Yamaha Jet boat CANBus Dump


Reaction score
Fort Lauderdale
Boat Make
Boat Model
242 Limited S E-Series
Boat Length
I've been trying to come up with a solution to tackle these 2012-2016 Jet Boats. Although I was able to CAN Sniff the vessel, the PGNs that were given to me are none standard. I've sent a message to Yacht Devices in hope they wanted to help out in developing something, however they just want to focus on what they have and don't want to add anything else from my understanding.

So far everything in this folder is what I have

This includes, Photo of the engines, Gauges, and all the hooping around I did. Pardon my mess. If you need to decode the pcap files, you'll have to use Wireshark,

Go to analyze, Decode as, click the +, Pick "CAN Next Level Dissector", then where it says "Current" It may say (none), Change that to J1939. Now the log should be readable in a way you can understand it better.

Current setup to do sniffing consist of
Asus Zenbook (Ryzen 5 5500u,8g,1TB)
Kali Linux (gnome) 24
Wireshark w/extcap for kvaser, available on kvaser.com
Kvaser M12 Leaf
Maretron NMEA2000 Cable

Boat is still available to me for another two weeks. So if anyone has any other suggestions or perhaps some Gauge documentation that's not the manuals. That would be awesome. I have also found out that the same gauges were used in RVs and Freightliners(Bread trucks and Fedex Trucks mostly).

5 Inch gauges. We have a fix to replace the LCD in the Tachometer with a new LCD if it ever came down to needing repair. We currently do not have LENs replacements yet, however it's currently being worked on.
Wow. Lots of crispy data. I checked out that Leaf Light HS v2 M12--they think a lot of that little toy!

Big job to reverse engineer net comms when the companies don't want to share any info.