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210 FSH surf?


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Without a tow point on the t top is wakeboarding or surfing especially hard behind an FSH? I'm looking to upgrade from an AR190 and it's either an FSH 210 (would he awesome for fishing lake Michigan) or a 24 footer
No issue with surfing, no issue with wakeboarding (just realize that your not going to get as much air on a wakeboard jumping the wave using a lower tow point). Getting up maybe a little more difficult from a lower tow point as well. Unless your pulling serious tricks on the wakeboard I would say go for it.
I most definitely am not pulling serious tricks. Thanks for the input.
I’ve read where some guys use their t-top as a towpoint, to attach a rope you would just need to loop your ski rope over the top.

Is it a good idea...? I don’t know, how sturdy are the tops? I’m not sure I would do it, but I’ve never taken a good look at the FSH t-top.

As for pulling from the transom, you’ll still get plenty of air for your purposes and getting up will be no problem. Wakeboards are so big and buoyant you could probably get up behind a rowboat.