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255 Sport H Helm Master in wind


Jet Boat Addict
Reaction score
Boat Make
Boat Model
FSH Sport
Boat Length
Wondering if anyone has tested the 255 Sport H with helm master in the wind, any feedback would be appreciated.
I own a 2024 FSH 255 Sport H. Is your question related to using the joystick or general operation in windy conditions?
General operation is a lot like the non-HelmMaster models. Because of the high gunwales they both heel into the wind to maintain heading. The Seakeeper Ride eliminated heeling into the wind.
Joystick operation is straight forward and handles windy conditions slightly better than non-HelmMaster. The ability to rotate the boat with a twist of the joystick is a definite plus. Movement fore and aft are also very easy. Yamaha claims the ability to translate laterally using the joystick. My experience with lateral translation is that it doesn't work very well.
Two last notes about HelmMaster. Because the HelmMaster boats don't have thrust directional enhancer like the non-HelmMaster boats, there is no partial thrust when using the remote control levers the gates are either in F, N, or R. The joystick is needed for slow speed control.
Final note is that HelmMaster is not like the HelmMaster for outboards. The Jetboat version does not have an autopilot which the outboard version does.