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Boat buying indecision.


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Today at 6:21 AM
Hi. I'm Qubeb (Bill). Just joined jetboaters to learn more and hopefully purchase a decent boat. My quandary is what size, model and year. I see you have owned a few. I live in NW Arkansas and boat on Beaver Lake. The boat would live on a lift except for needed shop maintenance. I want the 2 captain chair option and at least 21-24 foot unit. My main questions are... is a 2008 -10 one okay or have the improvements made in 2016 or 2018 worth the money? Handling and sound muffling being what I'm not sure about. Maybe there are more improvements that I'm unaware of. I would rather pay in the $25k range not the $45-$50K range. Can an older boat be reto fitted for sound and handling? I've been looking at a 2016 and up AR240 and am currently speaking with gentlemen about his 2019 212X. I don't really need the wake function, grandkids haven't gone past tubing yet. And my wife and I want the option fir year round eagle watching. Do the tanks on the 212x create a problem for space if I never use them. Will a AR240 seem monsterly large compared to a 212x? I've never been in either and my local dealers don't have both Yamaha boats to look at. Will the 240 handle ruff water lots better or just a little better? Your reply with knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Bill. Ps. I'm leaving a 19 ft I/O bowrider for either a jet system or outboard. Are all jet boats quite noisy compared to others. Bill
Welcome aboard! Can’t answer/address all of your questions but can share the following…

I have a 2012 SX210 with the MR1 motors (believe it’s the same hull/layout from 2012-16), rather similar to the 2019 you mentioned above in terms of overall layout. At slower speeds, yes, the boat will be louder than a modern IO (greater than no wake, but not on plane). Once you’re on plane, the overall dbs are probably similar to any other boat, however the frequency/pitch of the sound is certainly different.

Can’t compare ride of the 21 to the 24 ft for you, but with the 24ft you have more storage, and a usable head if needed. I don’t believe the helm is vastly difference, with the extra ~3 ft equating to a larger swim platform, cockpit and bow area. Also can share from what I have read, the 212 series is probably Yamaha’s quickest boat due to the power to weight ration and having the twin 1.8L motors.

Regarding sound deading, many have, including myself, used sound deading materials and adhesive foam to assist in that area. Handling wise, all models can be fitted with a “thrust vector fin” system to assist with slow speed maneuvering - the two leading solutions have numerous post here.

Good luck in your quest and let us know where you land!