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Check this wave out. any tips to improve?


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242 Limited S E-Series
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Her eis the wave behind my 242SE. Any tips to improve?

800lbs steel ballast to Surfside swim deck/seat. 550 sumo sack on now floor.


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Her eis the wave behind my 242SE. Any tips to improve?

800lbs steel ballast to Surfside swim deck/seat. 550 sumo sack on now floor.
It looks clean and long, not exceptionally tall. Not necessarily a bad thing. A couple questions, do you know your speed and were you able to stay on it?

A couple thoughts:
  1. Slowing down a fraction of MPH can decrease the plain if the boat, shorten the wave, potentially giving you a bit more push and help you keep up with it.
  2. Another way to increase the steepness of the wave would be to keep all things the same with the exception of moving the 550lb back 1-2ft. This will change the center of mass and make the boat ride a little more nose high.
The reality is, the sweet spot may be a combination of things. You'll learn what you like and what you need and how to modify the setup with time.