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Comparison of boat build quality of 2018-19 212x and the 2024 220x Yamaha.


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HI: Today I had the opportunity to go to a dealer and sit in a new 2024 220x and a new 250x wake boat. I was startled by the poor quality areas: The front ladder hatch has raw unfinished fiberglass edges. They are sharp and could cut an unaware hand. Plus ugly. The rear seat cushions are thin, the backs too straight up and uncomfortable. The captains chairs are difficult to rotate, and even after cranking down the round tightening knob, they still wobble. Plus in the 220x there are no armrests. Looks like all 3 of the ballast bags are vinyl, not a hard plastic tank for rear 2 as before. The front of the shade top drops down too far and only 5'-5" folks can walk under without hitting their head. There may be other things to wonder about.
So my question is: Was the early series 212x built better with more comfortable seats and better Captain chairs. I'm curious to know before I drive 12 hours to go look at a 2019 212x that I'm in negotiations with. Or am I spoiled from my older Fourwinns quality. Bill
Can’t comment on the 2019 212X but I can say my 2017 212X is pretty decent quality. My 1995 Chaparral 1930 SST was better though.
HI: Today I had the opportunity to go to a dealer and sit in a new 2024 220x and a new 250x wake boat. I was startled by the poor quality areas: The front ladder hatch has raw unfinished fiberglass edges. They are sharp and could cut an unaware hand. Plus ugly. The rear seat cushions are thin, the backs too straight up and uncomfortable. The captains chairs are difficult to rotate, and even after cranking down the round tightening knob, they still wobble. Plus in the 220x there are no armrests. Looks like all 3 of the ballast bags are vinyl, not a hard plastic tank for rear 2 as before. The front of the shade top drops down too far and only 5'-5" folks can walk under without hitting their head. There may be other things to wonder about.
So my question is: Was the early series 212x built better with more comfortable seats and better Captain chairs. I'm curious to know before I drive 12 hours to go look at a 2019 212x that I'm in negotiations with. Or am I spoiled from my older Fourwinns quality. Bill
My first jet boat was a new 2019 212X. I liked the boat but it required a significant amount of manipulating equipment for surfing - installing the wedge, filling the external ballast were the 2 most time consuming and exacting tasks - very little room for error. I didn't like the hard tanks for the rear ballast in the 2019 212X - there was no overfill and it was difficult to see when the tanks were full / verify they are empty. The new FatSac bags are easy to handle when needed and allow for additional storage in the compartment when not in use. Talking about storage - the 2024 has fantastic storage in the rear seats that I use all the time. Yes the seats in my 2019 were comfortable but I don't notice a difference with the 2024 222X I purchased and used last year. The 2024 does appear a bit more "utilitarian" with the seats, cushions but the difference in the amount of usable space in the 2024 is significantly larger than the 2019. The 2024 has cleaner lines within the cabin which makes wiping down / cleaning quite a bit easier. If you are looking to pay $40,000 to $45,000 for the 2019 212X and it has less than 200 hours on it, then it's probably worth checking out. Good luck.