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Exhaust gasket


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242 Limited S E-Series
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I would like to change out my exhaust rubber flap at the end of the exhaust. Has anyone ever done it. I see 3 bolts .
Its part the the final rubber hose of the exhaust. What is wrong with it?
Its part the the final rubber hose of the exhaust. What is wrong with it?
it appears the flippers on it are open quite a bit. So is it a hard job? TI
it appears the flippers on it are open quite a bit. So is it a hard job? TI
No its not hard, but not really worth thr effort. Those flaps are only to keep large debris from entering. There really is no benefit from replacing it. If it was leaking water into the boat in that area i would replace it because it is the through hull gasket as well
No its not hard, but not really worth thr effort. Those flaps are only to keep large debris from entering. There really is no benefit from replacing it. If it was leaking water into the boat in that area i would replace it because it is the through hull gasket as well
do you have to go thru clean out port compartment and remove the whole cover? or can you do from outside? have the parts do guess ill attempt
do you have to go thru clean out port compartment and remove the whole cover? or can you do from outside? have the parts do guess ill attempt
You have to remove the clean out port completely to access it. You can try removing the three nuts on the outside, push in enough to get the gasket off then reverse the process but it might be tough to pull back through