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Boat Stuff FS:2020 212X Windshield


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Long story short I have brand new windows for sale. I took the boat brand new to have the windows tinted. They are tinted with ceramic 18% btw. The tinter had the bright idea to pull everything apart and when he struggled to put them back together they dented the trim, not bad but in one spot and one area well you can see in the pics. The rubber was all misaligned as well but fixable when pulled out. I was pissed and he said take it to the dealer and have everything fixed. $2200 later I have it all repaired and replaced every single piece. I didn't have the heart to just throw the windows out. They replaced everything from fiberglass up. So all supports etc are in these boxes. windows are perfect and have maybe 1 hour of use(2020 212X). Just thought maybe someone would want them even if its just for the glass which I paid over $300 to tint. Asking $750 for everything. And if you think that's bad luck when the yamaha dealer replaced the windows they called and said they ran the tower into the garage and it needs a bimini smh. Not having much luck. And I love this boat. IMG_8975.JPGIMG_3346.JPGIMG_3379.JPG
