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Grinding sound


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Over the weekend I traded for a (according to registration) a 1984 jetstar 1250. It’s the a 2 cylinder. When put in gear it’ll make a terrible grinding sound after about 15 seconds from being engaged. Would that be because it’s not in water or something else? I just got it and was making sure everything worked and trying to figure out if there’s anything I need to fix. If needed, I can get a video but don’t want to risk making it worse if it’s something that’s actually broke. The grinding stops when I shut it off put it in neutral and start it back up then put it back in gear but I shut it off right after just so it won’t do it again. Also, would the motor be a two stroke or 4 stroke engine? It blew blue smoke when I first started it and kind of sounds like a 2 stroke engine but I’m not sure, I’m new to boats really and never really dealt with them