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How is this a sale?


Jet Boat Junkie
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Boat Make
Boat Model
195 ID
Boat Length
I had to turn and cough after reading the small print terms of that "sale".
I would qualify that more as "advertisement for $0 financing" rather than a sale. many don't have the cash required for a decent down payment these days as they did a couple of years ago...
Technically, they are saying it is a sales event, not a sale. :)
I think you hit it! I entered "Define sales event" In google, and this is what the AI spit out:
A sales event is a short-term promotion that aims to increase sales and attract customers. Sales events can be based on holidays or created by a company. They can involve offering products at a discount, or creating a sense of urgency to encourage customers to act quickly.
The second half of the last line says it all!