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I have a 2004 ar10 Yamaha . I can’t afford new boat . I want to surf. What are yalls suggestions?


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I have an AR 210 2004 . I want to surf . I have wrap on my boat. I don’t want the suction cup thing on the side . What will work for me ?
have patience, your going to have some trial and error involved,

suction cup things won't work on jet boats,

you need weight,
think about either or both
bag for the swim deck and for the seating area

you need something to help clean the wake
wake wedge (gantlin products)
wake booster (Yamaha)
wake thruster (jetboatpilot)
or a horse stall mat/mud flap

you'll want to go 10-11 mph depending on the combination of items above,
some can hold it in that range other need some sort of cruise control device,
Yamaha Wake booster won’t work on your year boat. So, that leaves you with WakeWedge or TVWake.

We were surfing on our ‘11 SX210 with 800lbs under the port side seat and 800lbs on top of the port side seat, and the WakeWedge. If that weight on top of the seat could have been moved back to the transom, it would have been a bit better.

Tagging @jcyamaharider in case he knows anything about your model year.
Not sure anyone has set one of those up for surfing. Yep @jcyamaharider is probably best as he had one of those smokers.
This may be a dumb question but how does adding all this ballast weight not put the boat over the capacity limit?
We have nothing for those boats. Not really a large crowd surfing with them. What i would do is ballast up and make a turn to the surfer to clean up the wave. That is how Yamaha owners surfed for years before we came up with the jet deflection products
This may be a dumb question but how does adding all this ballast weight not put the boat over the capacity limit?

If that's a worry then surfing might not be for you. It puts you significantly over capacity limit.

Agree that the most likely solutions is at minimum 800 lb bag on swim platform on surf side, better with another 800 lbs on rear seat surf side. 10.5 mph (which will be difficult to near impossible to keep without GPS speed control), and a slight turn in surfside driving in a large circle. Long and super buoyant board.