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Looking for new toy ideas


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Hey all,

We have a couch shaped tube (the boys usually like it when we pull it backwards instead of sitting on it.) and a flat circle tube (don't really use it). We are looking for our next fun tube option. Any thoughts on tubes good bad or indifferent.
Giant cone, not sure if it’s any good, but damn I want one. ??

We had a great time with the Airhead EZ wake trainer, but none of the crew or friends are under the 70lb limit anymore. Wish they made a bigger one.

Pulled 2 $10 48’ old round river tubes behind the boat last year hoping they would break. Boring.

Going to try a 60” disk either the airhead disc go, wow dashboard , or ho sports RAD 5. Would like something stable enough for idiots, can hold up to 3 persons laying / sitting / kneeling,, and that can be ridden like a wakeboard with little effort. I read the write up on towable discs on here, then saw the videos online of putting chickens, lawn chairs, dogs, ladders, and goats on them, but not all at the same time. I guess people used to make them out of marine plywood as well, but I would not like to be hit in the head with such decapitator.
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I’ve had several big Mabel like tubes that hold 4 people and still have the big mabel which can be ridden in a sitting and kneeling position when towed from the other end. I just replaced my second poparazzi tube with these three, waiting on the third one now.

unless you can get a used poparazzi cheap I recommend you pass. The arch is not rigid and when it capsized it acts like a rudder. It’s also still very expensive at over $400.

the Sumo I got used but the new ones are only a little over $100 and come with a rope and inflatable pillow with handles incorporated into it. We have only use it once and it turned out to be really hard for the 18 and 19 year olds on my boat to use. It was fun trying though. Well worth my money but when I asked my son what he thought he said, “trash” and he did well in it.

Amazon says the torpedo says it can hold 4 riders. The tube itself says 3 riders but my son and his friends said 2 is best, 1 on each side. What’s nice about it is that riders can actually steer it. Amazon sells them for $250 but recently saw a renamed version on samsclubs site for $200.

Finally we have the wacky whopper. should be delivered by next week just in time for our camping weekend. This tune is roughly 9’ wide and 7p’ long and weighs about 60 lbs. dry. I’m looking forward to tryin mg this one out and it looks like it will be a good sun pad as well.
