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We had planned on heading over to Bimini July 11-18 but are possibly changing destinations due to the curfew. I already have boat prepped/maintenance, all extra gear needed and parts, rented a sat phone, EPIRB, 2 PLB, VHF radio, updated Garmin Bahama chip, Explorer paper charts and app. I hate to waste all of the time and effort put into getting ready for the trip. I have read that West End is fun but not a lot to do and not a lot of beaches. My question is would Abaco be to far or unreasonable? Leave Florida to West End to refuel and clear customs - estimated 60 miles. Stop in Great Sale Cay to refuel - 55 miles, head to Spanish Cay to refuel - 35 miles then head into Sea of Abaco towards Green Turtle Cay. I have boated the Sea of Abaco in a rental so kinda familiar with the area once there. Each island has lodging on the way if weather turns bad. My other option is to stay around the Florida and keys area. We are looking for ice beaches and beach bars and some nightlife but nothing crazy.