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OK, who's going to be first?


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That looks awesome. A bit out of my price range though :(
That looks awesome. A bit out of my price range though :(

Hence why I asked who will be first, instead of posting pics of my install. . . . . ; )
I'll go first. My boat, your money? ;)
Maybe since wakemakers is in Oregon they will give me a local discount!? I'm sure they will need to test it on a jet boat.
YIKES....should include the ballast system (and a handie) for that price.
$4k plus tax (close to 10%) and shipping to CA! Thank God my family and I are not seriously into wake sports. it's all relative most of the dedicated wake boats I've seen are 20 feet long and weight more as a well as cost more than a 24 foot Yamaha jet boat.
Not to keep beating a dead horse, but still doesn't solve the jet wash issue.
Not to keep beating a dead horse, but still doesn't solve the jet wash issue.

Obviously this would be in addition to dual wake wedges. . . . .;)
$4K for trim tabs is rediculous!

When I first put trim tabs on my boat a friend who is really into surfing and had an AR210 at the time ballasted my boat and we tried the tabs out for surfing. At the low surfing speeds the tabs did not create enough force to significantly change the wake. I think they would do more with a differently shaped hull where the tabs would be further in the water.
What's jet wash issue?

it's the thrust from the nozzle's. It doesn't allow the wake/wave to form. It's why the wake wedge was created. It diverts the jet thrust away from the wake to help clean it up.