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Scarab 165 Pulling Tubers/Skiers


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165 G
Boat Length
Recently purchased a 165 G 150hp , when I pull tubers I have a constant problem with water from the rope hitting their face , got a booster ball and only helped a little , is there a pole I can install or do I have to go wake tower ? Would love any feedback thank you!
I have the same pb with the rope in the water.
You could add two Stainless steel bow stern :) .
A pole is not done for a tube.
Tow points.JPG
I have same issue with mine but just tell kids to deal with it or just whip them out of wake....Lol
My 50' tow rope came with a 10' extension. At first, I was just using the 50' and the kids were getting power-washed. I added the 10' section and they stopped complaining.
My 50' tow rope came with a 10' extension. At first, I was just using the 50' and the kids were getting power-washed. I added the 10' section and they stopped complaining.
With the Scarab 165 with very low tow point ? :(
My SX190 also has a low tow point. My understanding is that it's safer to tow tubes from a low point, anyway.