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Sending Unit Wiring old to new


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Ok question for you experts.

I just bought a 2004 lx210 and none of the gauges are working. I have replaced every fuse I could find and I do not see any disconnect Ted wires.
So I thought I would start with troubleshooting the gas gauge starting with the sending unit. If I touch the negative and red wire (no strip) together it pegs the gauge. That tells me the gauge and wiring are good (could be wrong but that was my logic).
I order a new sending unit off Amazon and it arrived today. The new unit only has two units wires 1 brown and one blue. Blue is ground and brown goes to gauge. From what I read in other posts I figure I hook the black wire to the blue wire and the brown wire to the red wire. But this just pegs the gauge. Any ideas ? Of course the new unit from Amazon has no instructions.

Old wiring