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Shift Cable Replacement


Jet Boat Junkie
Reaction score
Boat Make
Boat Model
242 Limited S E-Series
Boat Length
So, picked up my "new to me" boat today! First maintenance work done - replacing the shift cables. I don't even know how the previous guy was shifting you had to RAM the throttle to get it out of neutral. It's night and day compared to now. It's almost too loose. Just had a couple of questions....

1. I remember somebody saying that you have to remove the white threaded piece that connects through the hull. I didn't have to....is there any reason you should be removing it? I removed all the sealant on the inside of the cleanout and re-did it with 4200. (BTW, I missed the part about wearing gloves, that was a fun 20 minutes trying to scrape all that crap off my hands.)
Julian answered in another thread - perhaps does not need to be removed but definitely re-sealed on the inside. Thanks @Julian

2. Do these pictures look correct for the neutral, WOT and WOT reverse settings? I counted the turns when I took off the connectors and put them back on the same way as best I could.

The instructions on here were great. Fuel tank access and clean out tray access were very easy - removed both like a minute. I actually found it much easier to just thread the cables through the same openings as someone pulled the existing cable out. There were a bunch of zip ties that had to be cut that would have made pulling it through next to impossible anyway.

Also, the guy left 2 cans of lubricant in the boat. I've seen the T-9 mentioned before but is this other stuff any good or should I chuck it?


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