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Sucked a rope this weekend, took off jet pump to remove


Jetboaters Commander
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
Boat Make
Boat Model
242X E-Series
Boat Length
I spent about 1 hour on the water cutting small pieces out, I was then able to drive to my slip. I still felt some rope that I just couldn't get loose, so I took the boat out of the water and removed the jet pump right near my boat launch. Took about 15 minutes or so, then dropped it back and in and it runs perfectly now.

Here are some pics of the removal


I bet the rope was much easier to remove with the pump removed!

Do you boat in fresh or salt water?
Guess I have never been that smart. I always sit on the water with a boat full of people watching me as I undo the whole ^&%^&$ thing by hand, one revolution at a time... Your way seems better. Nicely done.
What tools did you need to get this done? Good thing to know for future reference.
Just for possible future reference, and out of curiosity, when re-installing, do you need any sealants or lubricants or loctite on anything? Or any special tools, like a torque wrench or something like that?
I didn't use anything. I tightened the large bolts pretty tight, not tight enough to strip. the rest of the bolts (steering linkage) I didn't tighten that much.

Here is a video of the procedure
