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Surf point Help


Jetboaters Commander
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Newnan, GA
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Ok y'all, I’ve got the surfpoint System down for the most part on my 255XD.

The 255 does an ok job with a wave when surfing but it does a much better job with a FatSac on the transom. BUT… my issue I’m having is with the extra weight of the FatSac, the surfpoint system has a hard time hitting the dialed in speed.
I have it set for 11.2 for my son and it flounders around 9/10 and the wave is shit at that speed. I increase it with the cruise control, but the rpm’s just won’t increase to get the speed commanded. I’ll even set it to 14 as a desired speed hoping it will accelerate and I can cruise control it down ever so slight slightly. But nope.
I’ve even changed the acceleration rate to manual hoping to get to the speed fast quicker. But it doesn’t do much at all to help.

is there a way to deploy the surf point, ballast bags and just do the speed manually?

any help guys?!!!