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SX210 measurement for trailer fitting


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Greetings all - new member here. Just purchased an '06 SX210 without a trailer and was able to find a trailer locally. Working this weekend to get the trailer adjusted for first pass at getting the boat on it and fitted. Boat is still moored in Lake Union, so hard for me to get good measurements.

Have been searching this site and the wider web and have only found one reference (on this site) that the transom to bow eye measurement is right at about 18 feet for this vintage AR/SX210. Can anyone confirm or provide more precise measurement?

Also trying to determine axle placement as it is easily adjustable on this trailer (Karavan). Could not find any info on center of gravity/balance point, but by eyeballing a bunch of pics of AR/SR210s on trailers and doing rough measurement on my boat, it looks like most measure in the neighborhood of 55-60 inches forward of the transom to the center of the axles. If anyone has this info or easy access to your boat on a trailer would greatly appreciate.

Final question is spacing between the two main (inner, 10ft) bunks on the MFI trailer. Would like to use that as my starting point if someone has it.

Love this site, exited about our new (to us) boat and will do an intro post when I catch up. Have learned a lot here and want to contribute as I learn new things too. Thanks!