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Wakeboard binding question!


Jetboaters Admiral
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Jacksonville, NC
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242 Limited S E-Series
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Last week, I tried wakesurfing and wakeboarding for the first time. I got up on the surf board on my 2nd try, and on the wakeboard my first try. Needless to say, Im hooked on both. I have a new surf board, but Ive been eyeing a CWB wakeboard combo. I wear a size 8-8 1/2 shoe, but their bindings run 5-8 and 9-12. They are open toe, so do you think I can get the larger ones to cinch down tight enough?
I would have to confirm, bu I am pretty sure I have the 9-12 CWB bindings, and wear a 8.5-9 shoe (depending on the type). i think you would be fine with the larger size, as I had not experienced any issues. Plus it would allow you more opportunity to share! ;)
Plus it would allow you more opportunity to share! ;)

That was something i was thinking as well.

BTW.... they are the EDGE bindings
I think if you went with the smaller ones, you would find it difficult to get into. I would go with the larger size.
We recently purchased a CWB surge wakeboard with Seven bindings in an XS size for my son. These are also open toe. XS binding says they will fit size 1-4. My wife can wear them and she is a size 6 in men's shoes. She doesn't have any problem getting into them, but her feet do seem to come out of them when she crashes. This is not a problem for my son. Not sure if binding size issue or fact Mom hits the water a lot harder than son? So I think either way you go you will be fine, maybe just consider who else may possibly be sharing board and buy based on that.
Just tossing this in here........Dicks Sporting Goods have several wakeboards with bindings on sale currently for 50% off.
I have two wakeboards, both CWB I think. One has the pull and cinch bindings and the other is velcor.

HOLY CRAP, get velcro! I thought velcro would suck, but it doesn't. Just get the bindings wet and then put them on, it's like you're glued to the board when compared to the cinch bindings. I usually help people put their bindings on, and the cinch bindings that helps people a lot, the velcro bindings people can do on their own.

just my two pennies.
I ordered the Liquid Force Witness Grind. I hope to get it by this weekend! I bet you might be thinking the same thing about getting it.... ;)
BTW....thanks for the quick responses. Hopefully the bindings will workout!