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Wakeboard Rack


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Kennesaw, GA
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Good Day everyone,

Just picked up my AR210 yesterday and need to get a wakeboard rack. I am dry docking it and unfortunately have to put the tower down to store it. The marina did not have a space large enough to fit with the tower up. With this what rack would you recommend? Greatly appreciate your input.
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Monster Tower. They move 360 degrees so you can make the racks horizontal. I ordered cheap ones off Amazon and am regretting it big time. The Monster Tower ones are awesome. Don't make the same mistake I did. Order directly from Monster Tower.
Monster Tower. They move 360 degrees so you can make the racks horizontal. I ordered cheap ones off Amazon and am regretting it big time. The Monster Tower ones are awesome. Don't make the same mistake I did. Order directly from Monster Tower.

If you order from overtons they are 30% off right now. You just can’t get the black racks.
Monster Tower. They move 360 degrees so you can make the racks horizontal. I ordered cheap ones off Amazon and am regretting it big time. The Monster Tower ones are awesome. Don't make the same mistake I did. Order directly from Monster Tower.

Thank you. I will go with the Monster Tower swivel.
If you order from overtons they are 30% off right now. You just can’t get the black racks.

I tried to 30% off but it will not work. I will try calling them. Thanks for the heads up.
I tried to 30% off but it will not work. I will try calling them. Thanks for the heads up.
Maybe it’s not working anymore. I bought mine end of May and got the 30% off. My order was delayed because they went on “backorder”
I didn’t get swivels, just quick release.

with the quick release do they allow you to remove the racks but leave the bracket on the tower?
In for the same question. I have to drop my tower twice per outing (once out of, and once into garage). Been considering a rack, but need it to be easily removed/swiveled to the interior in order to get the tower down.
with the quick release do they allow you to remove the racks but leave the bracket on the tower?

Yup they do. Just Remember to remove them when leaving your garage. Don't ask my why. It takes 3 seconds to remove each one.
Yes, I can actually lower my tower and leave the racks on. But you can remove the whole rack and just leave the mount on the tower. It’s a single leaver release.
I could leave mine on going into my garage. Not leaving it. Smh
It is just part of our "routine" when I pull into the house. We unload the wet stuff, cooler, gear, and racks. Then lower the tower before going into the garage. Da*n I love these monster tower racks! Not even sure why I bothered with the other ones. uggh..
It is just part of our "routine" when I pull into the house. We unload the wet stuff, cooler, gear, and racks. Then lower the tower before going into the garage. Da*n I love these monster tower racks! Not even sure why I bothered with the other ones. uggh..
Can you leave the boards in the rack when you take them off or is it a two step process? Remove boards, then remove rack? Would be convenient to leave the boards in the racks and just set them aside (assuming they aren't overly akward to hold, or too heavy to make it worthwhile.
I guess you could but I like to tip up my boards to dry out in the fan and then I lay the racks on the bench so they don't get scratched up. I guess if a guy could modify something on the wall of his garage, you could do the quick release off the rack and then onto a device in the garage, then your boards could stay on the rack.
Depends. What kinda board. If it's a thermo molded board sure do whatever. Can't really hurt them. But if it's a high end hand shaped board I wouldn't even put them in a cheaper wakeboard rack. Like not even on the boat. Get a nice board bag. I'd buy a specific wakesurf rack. I can get you links if you like. They run about $950 each I believe.
Good Day everyone,

Just picked up my AR210 yesterday and need to get a wakeboard rack. I am dry docking it and unfortunately have to put the tower down to store it. The marina did not have a space large enough to fit with the tower up. With this what rack would you recommend? Greatly appreciate your input.
what marina are you at?