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Wakeboarding AR192


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Last year was my first experience wakeboarding. I am getting really comfortable with small jumps. I want a little sharper wake on my 2016 AR192 for jumping. I am not looking for a surf wake.....I only want a sharper edge for getting more air. What would you suggest for ballast options? I was thinking about a 400 lb bag in ski locker to start? Do I need to concentrate on weight in bow or stern?

Again, I am only looking for a sharper/slightly deeper edge on the existing wake.

I don't have any experience wakeboarding behind a jet boat yet, but with my I/O, I ran a fat sack in the locker and just in front of the stern seating area. People in boat were driver and spotter. I used cinder blocks (coated with epoxy)in the bow deck for quick adjustments...most of the time two...produced a decent wake for the hull...200lb sacks
Here is a little fun GoPro video I put together. My wake is way way too smooth!

The trick is to get a clean rampy wake at 70 feet back. Start with maxing out the locker which will get the wake further back. Dial it in with weight in stern (underseats or on swim deck). Best cheap ballast I have found is a few 200+ lb buddies.
Getting big air is also part to do with the rider. Riders who practice switch get better at their balance and feel. The more jumps you try the better your timing will get. Keeping the rope pulled into your lead hip as you hit the jump will improve things if your are not doing that already. Doing core excercies, squats, and box jumps will help too.