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Wave Control?


Jetboaters Commander
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Ceres, VA
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Yes (insert fist pump)!!!
Someone hurry and but this and get it a review so I can determine if I want it.
This will not work on our boat. The jet wash is still the point that you have to overcome. How do I know.......testing on a 2015 that had trim tabs and I couldn't figure out the wave until I realized the tabs were set on. I asked if he could turn them off and BOOM!!!! the wave shape I was used to seeing produced by the Wake Wedge was magically there. I would love for someone to prove me wrong but that is an expensive gamble.

Now I do realize that the trim tab was trying to counter act the list and fighting what I was doing to the boat, and that you will use the other side, BUT the tab will also be pushing the boats butt out of the water more and this is not what we are after when surfing behind the Yamaha. We need to get the back of the boat as deep in the water as possible to get the jet wash under the water. For this reason I think the switch blade would be money more well spent, but still out of my price range.