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Wet Sounds Revo 6"s w/RGB Install


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Buford, GA
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I recently picked up a pair of Revo 6's. I have never installed speakers with RGB lighting, The manual says to connect the black wire using a 2amp inline fuse to 12V positive. red, blue and green can be connected together to ground.
I will eventually replace the mid-cabin and bow speakers with Revo 6's as well (24 222SE) but will start with the transom.

A couple of questions, #'1 &2 I think I know, but want to confirm.
1. Will I have to widen the opening when replacing the recons with the Revo's?
2. Should I be able to just hook the speakers to the amp using the existing wire/harness?
3. Can the 4 RGB wires be connected to a fuse block?
4. Will I need to retune the amp on the appropriate channel?

I’m not sure on opening, check the website for recon cutout diameter and against the recons. I would think they are the same.

The factory speakers have the plug soldered on. You could cut the plug and put on your own connectors. Alternatively we will have our speaker harnesses ready for sale in a week or so, which will make this plug and play.

What do you mean by connect to fuse block? Ideally you would want to connect them to a RGB controller but you can wire to one color by putting in a switched 12v source.

As far as I know there is no way to re-tune the amplifier.


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I’m not sure on opening, check the website for recon cutout diameter and against the recons. I would think they are the same.

The factory speakers have the plug soldered on. You could cut the plug and put on your own connectors. Alternatively we will have our speaker harnesses ready for sale in a week or so, which will make this plug and play.

What do you mean by connect to fuse block? Ideally you would want to connect them to a RGB controller but you can wire to one color by putting in a switched 12v source.

As far as I know there is no way to re-tune the amplifier.
RF-RGB-MC V2 | Wet Sounds RF RGB Music Controller W/ Touch Activated Remote

I only saw the remote yesterday not the controller.

Yes, you can't tune the stock amp. I replaced it with 2 new amps.

keep me updated on the harness.