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Will not fire


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1998 Sea Doo GTX - has spark and fuel/oil mixture but will not ignite fuel to fire up. New ignition coil and carb rebuild. Acts like missing air or vacuum. Exhaust manifold and air box is off... all fuel lines and selector switch replaced.
1998 Sea Doo GTX - has spark and fuel/oil mixture but will not ignite fuel to fire up. New ignition coil and carb rebuild. Acts like missing air or vacuum. Exhaust manifold and air box is off... all fuel lines and selector switch replaced.
Have you checked cylinder compression?
May sound like a stupid suggestion, but check your safety lanyard. I tore apart my boat one time not realizing my lanyard wasn’t fully engaged. It’ll crank, get gas, but never fire. I learned from that moment on to always start with the simplest problem and solution first. I’m sure you already did it but I’d feel awful not suggesting. Good luck!