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XLR8 Wake Shaper. Anybody? Opinion?


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Is there any person with XLR8 Wake Shaper?
Rumor has it that these wedge style shapers are ineffective in these jet boats. This is for a couple of reasons.
  1. most don't fit far enough down in the hulls of the Yamahas before they encounter the step. Also difficult because of the shallow draft.
  2. These devices are meant to be installed on the non-surf side of the boat and work by causing a delayed convergence of the wake. This action creates drag on the same no-surf side. This forces counter steer in order to maintain staight line that directs the jets into the surf side of the wave.
It's my opinion that you're better options are to use the devices that are designed specifically for these boats. The are designed in a way that deals with the jet wash directly.