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Yamaha AR250 questions

Ernie V.

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Hello! We just upgraded from a 2022 Yamaha AR190 to a 2023 Yamaha AR250 and I have a few questions.

Our 190 had two drain plugs but the 250 only has one from what I can see. We just took her out for the first time this season and I noticed a lot of water drained from the plug in the rear upon retrieving. Is there another plug I'm missing somewhere or is it just one plug?

Second, on the touchscreen the depth indicator only goes up to 100 feet. Our 190 showed actual depth as our lake can be 200+ feet in areas. Is this a setting I can change as it would be nice to know the actual depth.

Lastly, I'm looking for suggestions or ideas about the large head and storage area on the port side. We don't plan on using it as a head and there is ample space for storage but we don't want to just throw everything in there. Has anyone utilized this space while keeping the area organized for vests, toys, lines etc?

Thanks for the responses. We absolutely love the added size and speed of the 250. Definitely handles chop better and it's a much better and smoother rife than our 190.
My 252S only has one drain plug. The water may be coming from the anchor locker drain hole as the passthrough was probably not sealed properly. Common problem. Most people replace the drain fixture and properly deal all the way through.

As for the storage area, I hand up life jackets on clothes hangers using the rod and store towels and bags on the floor. Toys I put in the ski lockers on the floor and lines I put under the rear seats.