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Celebrate Memorial Day?

Joshua Miller

Jetboaters Captain
Reaction score
Jacksonville, NC
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Boat Length
22 years and still currently serving. Mostly maintenance and admin jobs, been deployed a few times and been to the sandbox once. Never been in a firefight but have lost a few friends that I think about a lot.
That said, I’m frustrated with the lecturing I see and hear about how to observe this holiday as if some people are entitled to judge others based upon their planned activities.
If you choose to go to Arlington or your local cemetery and pay your respects to a fallen hero—please do so. Their sacrifice gives us our freedom.
If you want to attend you local town’s parade or festival—go for it. It probably supports some small businesses and it shows kids these days how to give back to your community.
If you chose to celebrate life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness paid in blood by boating and drinking your ass off this weekend, then I as a career vet applaud you because you are living a life worth defending. And I will keep the watch as long as I can to ensure you enjoy the fruits of your labor.
For me, I paddled out this morning and watched the sun rise over Lake Hickory NC and thought about a few Marines I lost, what they meant to me, and how lucky I am to have this life.


Jetboaters Commander
Reaction score
Oak Island, NC
Boat Make
Boat Model
Jet Ski
Boat Length
22 years and still currently serving. Mostly maintenance and admin jobs, been deployed a few times and been to the sandbox once. Never been in a firefight but have lost a few friends that I think about a lot.
That said, I’m frustrated with the lecturing I see and hear about how to observe this holiday as if some people are entitled to judge others based upon their planned activities.
If you choose to go to Arlington or your local cemetery and pay your respects to a fallen hero—please do so. Their sacrifice gives us our freedom.
If you want to attend you local town’s parade or festival—go for it. It probably supports some small businesses and it shows kids these days how to give back to your community.
If you chose to celebrate life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness paid in blood by boating and drinking your ass off this weekend, then I as a career vet applaud you because you are living a life worth defending. And I will keep the watch as long as I can to ensure you enjoy the fruits of your labor.
For me, I paddled out this morning and watched the sun rise over Lake Hickory NC and thought about a few Marines I lost, what they meant to me, and how lucky I am to have this life.
View attachment 179253
Well said! HOOAH! ABN ATW!