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  1. J

    Seadoo with outboard?!

    If you have the time, facility and outboard already it’s doable. I was given a sugar sand boat with a blown motor and had an outboard already. Took months and some money but here was the outcome. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LoW2fBpQRzWLPVsaHMI51NWz33y42My2
  2. J

    Outboard engine on a jet boat?

    If you have the time, facility and outboard already it’s doable. I was given a sugar sand boat with a blown motor and had an outboard already. Took months and some money but here was the outcome. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LoW2fBpQRzWLPVsaHMI51NWz33y42My2 But I will agree with the rest...
  3. J

    Cylinder things in bottom of boat!?

    I dont plan on removing them but theyre not plugged in and i dont know where to plug them into anyways. They dont go all the way through the boat tho. Could they still be a depth / fish finder? Maybe something else?
  4. J

    Cylinder things in bottom of boat!?

    The 2 on the left, the wire broke off. The one on the right still has a wire attached with some type of plug at the end. Wondering if these are important and what they do!?
  5. J

    Cylinder things in bottom of boat!?

    Hey everyone! this might be a stupid question, but what are the 3 cylinder type things with a wire coming out of them on either side of the engine at the bottom of the boat??