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Search results

  1. D

    New shorelander trailer falling apart!

    I don’t as it was 2 years ago. I called my dealer and they first sent me round in circles and then they found a number and I was able to call their office and it went really fast. My suggestion is calling the dealer you bought it from and asking for the shorelander number
  2. D

    Starboard engine light

    Have you ever taken it in to a Yamaha dealer?
  3. D

    Starboard engine light

    I have ran it three times this week and the third time the error stopped. It bugs.
  4. D

    New shorelander trailer falling apart!

    It happen to my trailer too when I first got it. Eventually called someone in shorelander and they let me know they were having a national issue with that. They replaced it for free. They sent the parts to our dealer in Southern California and they paid for it all.
  5. D

    Starboard engine light

    i need help. My starboard check engine light alarm goes off. The engines are running fine. We had a mechanic come out and do a couple of test and everything checked out. I have a Yamaha ar240 2016. I have taken it out twice and the alarm goes off all the time. I’m thinking it’s a bad sensor but...