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  1. msavold

    Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

    Hey, I know that contractor!
  2. msavold

    Show us what you see!!!

    Love the photos! Heading back there in September and can't wait - nothing wrong with a city where you order steak for dinner by the KILO! What was the name of the place with all the Michelin reviews? That's an impressive number.
  3. msavold

    Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

    Used to wear a cap like that when I did land surveying - to avoid banging into the instrument I'd just carefully set up with the brim. Other than that, I know it's "popular" but God, I can't figure out WHY anyone would want to wear a baseball cap like that. With apologies to those here who do it...
  4. msavold

    Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

    ... and that's how Superfund sites were born, son.
  5. msavold

    Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

    Or haul loose stuff in the bed... (acknowledging that that POS probably hasn't "worked" a day in its life.)
  6. msavold

    Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

    Brother's first year teaching a master's level BA course at a VERY prestigious university. Several students submitted copy/paste "research" but one in particular pretty much cloned the whole damned thing. Fail. Next thing you know, HE gets called onto the carpet - looks bad on the school's...
  7. msavold

    Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

    Ah, memories of my second boss as an engineer, in the office where I did all the design and reports and he had lunch with clients. Calls me in to talk about "all the great work I've been doing" and after much fanfare, gives me new business cards with my new title of Associate. No $, just new...
  8. msavold

    Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

    Not a meme but still had me laugh. Maybe a thread on great tweets (or whatever the hell you're supposed to call them - Xs?
  9. msavold

    Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

    Love the grab bars! Still trying to figure out how they'd be useful...
  10. msavold

    Navionics price increase.

    Unfortunately, just noticed this thread, looked into this and it seems that they are now including ALL waters in the US and Canada under one subscription, as opposed to the regional areas that we had before. Which annoys me to no end. I'm ok with paying for the whole east coast but I don't think...
  11. msavold

    Not Sure What This is Called

    Waiting for a horn? Consider a completely different horn? Don't know about later models but here is my experience: https://jetboaters.net/threads/pre-2016-horn-replacement-banish-the-duck.21549/
  12. msavold

    Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

    Reminds me of a comedy routine (by...?) where she said that her maternal instincts were kicking in and she found her self wanting to have a kid - every time the remote was just out of reach.
  13. msavold

    Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

    Made me laugh and think about when I see (usually) architectural and (occasionally) engineering drawings with dimensions to the millimeter. Hell, when it comes to site services if the contractor gets it to plus or minus 6" (that's +/-152.4mm! :p) I'm ecstatic!
  14. msavold

    Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

    I'm also ambivalent on the date format - use both and sometimes screw myself up when I see 8/10/23. Did I mean August 10th or October 8th! @drewkaree one mm is about 1/32nd of an inch (1.25/32). I have difficulty reading 16ths some times! Can't imagine reading 64ths on a tape, let alone tenths...
  15. msavold

    What are you watching on TV? Favorite Shows? <name the service used>

    "Unforgotten" is back on PBS - season 5. Brilliant British police series! Watched all 5 episodes in a weekend (ok, most of them in one evening, staying up until almost 2).
  16. msavold

    Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

    Even if you ignore the bottom of the S from Cannes, what the hell is that supposed to be? Makes me think of my dad and an acquaintance that made a fortune in cosmetics. Dad would always shake his head "how the hell can he make so much money selling colored powder NO ONE really needs". And I...
  17. msavold

    Rate your 2023 boating season

    Probably the worst one since we got the boat back in 2015... Wife and SIL were able to finally persuade in-laws (102 and 97!!!) to finally move into a retirement home in June and that started a snowball effect of trips on weekends. And then it seemed like when we had a weekend free it was...
  18. msavold

    Two Anchors

    I came across this video back in August and have been using it ever since, all the while kicking myself for not knowing about this before! https://boattest.com/article/how-tie-anchor-bridle-0 Strongly recommend you watch it - takes 30 seconds, much cheaper than a second anchor. It's taken some...
  19. msavold

    Air Travel:

    Haha! I've been sent to secondary a few times but only once did I really get the special treatment. Dog took special interest in my duffle bag and agent wasn't buying any of my denials. They even took apart the pens I had in my laptop case. It wasn't until after that I put it together: got a...