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Search results

  1. UtahJetCap

    2018 242X E-Series Wake Super Slow When Turning

    Haha... Yes, we left the trailer on land ;) What do I need to watch for/listen for with regards to jet pump cavitation? With my previous outboards I would hear the engine noise/pitch change when the prop would cavitate. I didn't notice any engine noise or pitch changes leading me to thing the...
  2. UtahJetCap

    2018 242X E-Series Wake Super Slow When Turning

    I’m new here and new to Yamaha and have been trying to find info about this here, but haven't yet. Looking for some insights. Just bought a 2018 242X E-series Wake boat and I like a lot of things about the boat. One thing I’m disappointed with is the boats inability to maintain speed when fully...
  3. UtahJetCap

    New Here - 242X E-series wake slow in turns

    I’m new here and new to Yamaha. Looking for some insights. Just bought a 2018 242X E-series Wake boat and really like the boat so far. One thing I’m disappointed with is the boats inability to maintain speed when fully turned. I live in Utah and boat lakes between 4000-7000 ft so I put in the...