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  1. T

    Engine won't start

    Didn't know about that beep, thank you. The remaining questions were triple checked yesterday, thank you for the questions. I forget to mention that on the port motor, the top right fuse shows power, the remaining do not.
  2. T

    Engine just stopped responding.

    OK all, brand new to the forum as I have not had any problems. Since that issue has been remedied, I am now here. The issue: The Port motor will not even sound the pre-start beep. I switched the harness on the key switch, Switch is good. Starboard motor starts right up. The starboard engine...
  3. T

    Engine won't start

    No work really. It ran great all the way into Tampa Bay then when it was time to go back, not even a beep to indicate engine ready to run. All the cables are clean and tight. Fuses good.
  4. T

    Engine won't start

    OK all, brand new to the forum as I have not had any problems. Since that issue has been remedied, I am now here. The issue: The Port motor will not even sound the pre-start beep. I switched the harness on the key switch, Switch is good. Starboard motor starts right up. The starboard engine...