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Search results

  1. AJDerzie

    Performance mods 12 sx240

    If you're looking to increase top speed, realize that you only have one gear and an rpm redline.... Unless you significantly change the pitch of the impeller, you can only affect the acceleration but not the top speed.
  2. AJDerzie

    Broken Seat Bolster

    I got a new seat with one day to go on my YES! Whew! You could remove the bolster and add a telescoping pedestal under the seat for height adjustment. Might actually be more convenient than bolster!
  3. AJDerzie

    Clean Out plug blew/Engine wont start/HELP NEEDED!

    Did you check the most obvious thing? When a plug blows it can often damage the engine hatch so it doesn't close snugly. The kill switch is then activated and engine won't start.
  4. AJDerzie

    Borrowed Boat, ran over weeds. Need advice. - SeaDoo Islandia Overheated, engine replaced

    Zero responsibility. The water pump would have done the engine in regardless, especially without an overheat alarm. So how much is a poorly maintained 9 year old motor worth? I don't think your buddy should be asking you for anything. it's not just a liability thing but a friendship issue...
  5. AJDerzie

    Bimini Top

    51 on a good day
  6. AJDerzie

    Found this in the boat, what is it?

    Looks like a ruler... ;)