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  1. Adrian242

    Does anyone use the newer explorers to tow a 24ft jetboat

    When it comes to any of the newer 24' I wouldn't want to use a any SUV over long hauls. Its just going to burn it out over time. Not worth it. Don't even bother with the mid size gmc, chevy canyon etc. f150 or comparable imo.
  2. Adrian242

    New 242x owner from Ontario

    Good stuff guys! Lets do a meet up downtown and we can explore the city scape together for a different look. Downtown harbour has a lot of attractions.
  3. Adrian242

    Towing a 242 with or without a cover

    They are meant to be towed with the cover on but you can otherwise. make sure you don't lose anything.
  4. Adrian242


    Congrats my friend!
  5. Adrian242

    Winterizing motors

    Hi guys I have the same motor in my waverunner and you don't need to put antifreeze in the engines water jacket. You don't even have to fog the engine really but I guess it cant hurt. I wouldn't even fog it till the motors shut off but that's just me. By running the motor and giving it a few...