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Search results

  1. M@__

    LX2000 swim platform build

    1. It's slick. They sell a textured version. Possibly adding hydro turf. I made this a bit too big. It drags a bit when getting on plane. When the boat is empty and one or two are on the platform the edges go under water. It's pretty heavy too. So I get a bit more vibration than I used...
  2. M@__

    LX210 swim platform

    Good on you. Check the thread I made about mine, also using king sb. A few points. I believe the OEM brackets that go under the tunnels have a step up. I didn’t do that my water level with no load is about an inch above water. With one person on the platform only I have the platform right at...
  3. M@__

    HELP! , Port engine not staying cranked.

    What are you doing with the choke while it’s running? What are you doing with the throttles? I always use throttle to start the engine. Partial choke can be used to diagnose a lean condition. If part choke makes the engine run better then it’s lean for some reason. Just to be clear and...
  4. M@__

    LS 2000 refurb

    You should be able to use the throttles in neutral. You just can’t shift with the throttle applied. It sounds like they may be misadjusted.
  5. M@__

    Intentionally reckless boating: tinny bashing

    Never seen that before, but I’m interested....
  6. M@__

    Canadian Tariffs on imported boats

    Young people don’t want most of the jobs we lost. Those will all be replaced by robots if they come back. Good time to be an electrical engineer.
  7. M@__

    Traction mats for LX 2000

    Blue white marble
  8. M@__

    Traction mats for LX 2000

    We keep the Bimini up all the time so the white bottom is not blinding. Consider running without carpet. You might like it. Nothing easier to clean than that. Really though I think the rear platform is a must either way you go. You’ll thank me.
  9. M@__

    Traction mats for LX 2000

    I took out the carpet and really prefer it gone. I do have some hydro turf on the rear platform and it really saves the knees getting in and out. It was cut perfectly and applied easily. That was 3 or 4 years ago. Still looks nice. I’ve thought about ordering more and putting on the surfaces I...
  10. M@__

    jet boat pilot thrust vectors or cobra ak with mega fang for my 2018 ar240???????

    Isn’t the problem overmarketing not new users asking for advice? Posting “search” is just not very welcoming. For the record, I like mine w/o any training wheels (fins).
  11. M@__

    Yamaha 190 FSH Performs Impossible Moves At Dock With Lateral Thrusters!!

    You’re about to sell two for every one mother Yamaha sells.
  12. M@__

    Top end rebuild

    Good job!
  13. M@__

    New SeaDek Use? For Pets and lazy boarders

    Cutting board is like “king starboard” but without the UV inhibitors. You could try it out with a cheapo that’s the right size as a proof of concept.
  14. M@__

    Best (And Stupid Simple) Soundproofing Mod?

    Nice work. That’s a really good idea. I can’t lie. I threw 8 strategically placed life jackets in the bilge area. Haven’t tested, but they float and won’t breakdown and clog the bilge. I think I have some memory foam pillows someplace.
  15. M@__

    Top end rebuild

    I need to slowly step away from this thread.... :)
  16. M@__

    Top end rebuild

    Would you point it at the cylinder/chamber connection? Spark plugs? I almost put something about thermo couples and a digital readout and started imagine an airplane cockpit... decided to keep that to myself, but those sensors aren’t too expensive. My understanding is head temps drop on...
  17. M@__

    Top end rebuild

    Ohh man. This is getting deep. I’ve done it on my motorcycle. Chambers are flat black. it worked. Not sure where to point, or how much hotter middle cylinder is, but I’m interested in what you come up with.
  18. M@__

    No drama cooler thread!

    Thanks No Drama Cooler thread.... What did it look like? Mine looked like it was missing some packaging, but I didn’t notice what exactly.