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Search results

  1. C

    2016 Yamaha AR190 Dual Battery Install -- How to isolate Factory Stereo Power to New House Battery?

    Nice! Great point! My wife will think I'm a genius.. lol. Did you happen to install a fuse between each battery terminal and the DVSR or power switch? I noticed some have used a 150amp fuse...and some haven't...
  2. C

    Advice Please? :-) ---> Wake Tower Speaker Install on 2016 AR190 -- Front or Back Bar Location?

    OK -- that makes sense. Thanks again for your reply -- it was a BIG help! :-)
  3. C

    2016 Yamaha AR190 Dual Battery Install -- How to isolate Factory Stereo Power to New House Battery?

    OK -- Thanks for your advice -- I was leaning towards that option, and now that solidifies it! :)
  4. C

    Advice Please? :-) ---> Wake Tower Speaker Install on 2016 AR190 -- Front or Back Bar Location?

    Sharp Boat! Thanks for the quick reply. So, no issues when folding the tower down for storage?
  5. C

    2016 Yamaha AR190 Dual Battery Install -- How to isolate Factory Stereo Power to New House Battery?

    Hello Fellow Jetboaters -- Perhaps I missed the link or other forum, but I wasn't able to locate how folks have isolated the factory electric components (specifically power wires) to the Starter vs House batteries? I would like to isolate just the starter power wires to the starter battery. Or...
  6. C

    Advice Please? :-) ---> Wake Tower Speaker Install on 2016 AR190 -- Front or Back Bar Location?

    I'm struggling to find pics and/or conversation on which bar/tube to install the wake tower speakers? It appears most are installing them in the rear bar on other boats. On the 2016 Yamaha AR boats, the factory wake tower back/rear tube is smaller diameter and the front bar/tube has a larger...