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Search results

  1. bjnacc

    Viper 2 firmware update?

    Has anyone successfully done a firmware update to the 2017 Viper 2 system? Ours has randomly been switching itself in and out of ski/dock modes while driving for the last month. I found these instructions on the 'about' screen...but it doesn't say where you get this file. I have left numerous...
  2. bjnacc

    Chaparral Vortex 203VRX

    I have not skied yet behind the Vortex...but after a recent on-water test, I have put down a deposit on a 203 and I am very eager to ski behind it this summer. I would say this: The boat has a very impressive hole shot. It gets up on plane faster than anything I've seen in the prop driven world...
  3. bjnacc

    Glastron GTS 187 Questions

    Hey thanks you guys, I really appreciate the tips. I'm so glad to hear that you love the boat...and they are such killer looking boats- but yes I will test drive. The dealer we are working with only sells them with the XL package w/ tower. I was concerned about getting hit with jet-wash spray...
  4. bjnacc

    Glastron GTS 187 Questions

    Hi all- I have some specific questions for the Glastron jet owners on this forum and I'm hoping you can help me out. We are 99% sure we want to purchase a new GTS 187 next spring...but we are having a hard time finding any info on people's experience with these boats. The boat...