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Search results

  1. steven rivera

    2018 July Bimini Potluck

    We are going to be making our Spanish Rice again :)
  2. steven rivera

    JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling July 9th to 14th 2018

    steven rivera has registered to captain Never Satisfied with a crew of 2 adults and 2 children. They hail from the home port of New Jersey. The crew is described as: You can register for the event using the form at...
  3. steven rivera

    JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling July 9th to 14th 2018

    :winkingthumbsup" We are all booked and ready to go, we are in unit 14D :)
  4. steven rivera

    JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling July 9th to 14th 2018

    steven rivera has registered to captain Good For Us with a crew of 3 adults and 3 children. They hail from the home port of Redbank NJ. The crew is described as: Myself, Wife, Sister 3 Children You can register for the event using the form at...
  5. steven rivera

    Bimini 2018

    We are in for the July trip, all booked :)
  6. steven rivera

    2017 Bimini Fling Shirts are ready to order! <Ordering closed>

    Ok , so can you tell me if my order went out. If not can you bring them with you and I will pick them up from you when we arrive.
  7. steven rivera

    2017 Bimini Fling Shirts are ready to order! <Ordering closed>

    Hello i placed an order for the shirts. We still have not received them, and we are leaving for vacation Friday and then coming straight to Ft. Lauderdale so I am afraid I am going to miss delivery. Just trying to figure something else out.
  8. steven rivera

    Bimini 2017 Arrival Rum Delivery

    Coconut For Us :)
  9. steven rivera

    SWAG Jetboaters.net Koozie's available SOLD OUT...

    I just ordered JetBoaters.net Koozies! This post was automatically inserted to keep track of the order. You can order yours at http://jetboaters.net/forms/jetboaters-net-koozie-order-form.1/respond
  10. steven rivera

    SWAG Jetboaters.net Koozie's available SOLD OUT...

    I just ordered JetBoaters.net Koozies! This post was automatically inserted to keep track of the order. You can order yours at http://jetboaters.net/forms/jetboaters-net-koozie-order-form.1/respond
  11. steven rivera

    Faces of Bimini 2017

    The Rivera's can't wait for Bimini. Steven Jr 17, Steven, Jennifer , Madison 13
  12. steven rivera

    JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling July 10th to 15th 2017

    Hi guys just wondering I signed up for the Bimini trip I do not see my name on the list My unit number is 8E
  13. steven rivera

    JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling July 10th to 15th 2017

    steven rivera has registered to captain Good for us with a crew of 4 adults and 3 children. They hail from the home port of Red Bank New Jersey. The crew is described as: You can register for the event using the form at https://jetboaters.net/forms/bimini-2017-registration.6/respond