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  1. S

    ACR Starter Isolation Wiring?

    Hi all, I too am in the middle of adding the "add a battery" and unfortunately already purchased the Diode per another thread I had seen. I see based on your comments it's not needed, I was trying to stop the "popping" coming through when I crank the 2nd one. Since I have it already, can...
  2. S

    HELP: Need pic of stock Yamaha AR230 wiring at battery.

    Thanks. I read some of the posts, thanks for the heads up, good things to know going forward. I've already suffered from the stuck clean out, got one out, the other is still in. I'll try the ice bath trick this year. I think the wiring from the helm back to the motors is stock. I'm out of...
  3. S

    HELP: Need pic of stock Yamaha AR230 wiring at battery.

    Thanks guys, got that part running. Still looking for help where the two starter Isolation wires are? I need to connect a Diode and need to connect to those. I'm following the wiring suggested in the attached doc located @ https://www.bluesea.com/resources/65
  4. S

    HELP: Need pic of stock Yamaha AR230 wiring at battery.

    Hi All, I made the stupid mistake of disconnecting all the wires from the stock Battery without noting them first. I am in the middle of adding a "Blue Sea add a battery kit", and now have lost track of which wires are Positive and which are negative. I'm used to all red = +, black = -...