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Search results

  1. G

    242 Stern Light

    You can also shop partzilla.com for OEM parts.
  2. G

    plugged drain under the engine hatch

    Try putting a shop vac hose up around the scupper valve and sucking it out...
  3. G

    yamaha 242 Limited S 2014

    If your going to do all that work I would check with dealer for correct sealant so you don't have to do it again, just saying!
  4. G

    Need new Bimini for 2011 242 Limited S

    You can get an original through Partzilla.com if needed.
  5. G

    2012 242 LS audio issues

    Good chance, water and electronics dont mix well. If they will replace under warranty go for it!
  6. G

    Changing spark plugs

    Just changed mine as well as the oil. Leaving for Dale Hallow Lake on Tennessee/Kentucky border from Mount Dora Fl.
  7. G

    Software updates

    Any update on this issue?